destination dispatching

Destination Dispatching is a 4-5 day virtual retreat all about showing you how to start a successful dispatching company with low overhead and barely any startup. There are 3 retreat options designed to meet you wherever you are in your dispatching journey.

Destination Dispatching Is a Live hands on course with no pre recorded lessons all real time current information me and my team will teach you everything you need to know to make 6 figures this year from the comforts of your own home!

Expedition Package



Excursion Package



Odyssey Package



Frequently Asked Questions

If you choose the Expedition Package you get 30 days access, Excursion Package 90 days access, and Odyssey Package 1 year access.

No matter which package you choose, you have an option of starting from $0 to $300.

We will go through different marketing methods to obtain carriers both for free as well as paid methods.

During the retreat there will be no pre recorded material. There will be live instructors via zoom, and all trainers will have their camera on.


No matter which package you choose you will have a chance of winning a 3-5 night vacation stay in Miami FL or Las Vegas NV!